Wellness Coach & Super Patch Affiliate

Over 20 years helping people

My Experience in Health and Wellness

Shobee Jacelon has dedicated over two decades to the field of health and wellness, guiding countless individuals toward healthier, more balanced lives. With a background in holistic nutrition and functional medicine, she has witnessed the industry evolve, integrating modern science with time-tested natural remedies. 

Her journey has been one of continuous learning and deep fulfillment. Whether coaching clients on mindful health practices, or leading community health initiatives, Shobee Jacelon remains passionate about empowering others to take control of their well-being.


How The Super Patch Tech Works

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The future of wellness in a Patch

Wellness and performance mean different things to different people.

At Super Patch we have easy drug-free solutions for everything from sleep to sports and other life-enhancing benefits.


Sleep, stress relief, focus, pain management, mobility and immune system


Peak athletic performance, more power, more speed

Vibrotactile Technology


The technology inside the Super Patch has uniquely arranged ridges that look like a QR code, when these ridges touch our skin, our cells transmit unique signals that interact with our body’s nervous system.

send a message to your brain

Every physical, emotional and mental function has a specific neuro-code or “message.”

The Super Patch patterns are like QR codes and when the ridges in the pattern touch our skin, they send messages to the brain.

In the real world QR codes send messages through the internet, The Super Patch pattern QR Code sends messages through our nervous system and each patch has a unique code and a unique message.

The brain and nervous system decodes the message immediately, and a waterfall of wellness responses happen, from more energy to enhanced balance and quality of life

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Read Real Reviews

Over 6 million people have used Super Patch, with some people seeing incredibleresults!

Incredible little patch!

I have been using these patches for the past couple years and LOVE how amazing they make me feel! Stronger, more balanced, and easily have less pain! I place it close to my shoulder when it acts up and the pain goes away! Love it!

Theresa Z

Helps with pain

These have helped so much with my chronic headache pain.

Melissa L

Amazing product!

I suffer from post concussion syndrome and these patches help me deal with so many of the symptoms I deal with on a daily basis. Love, love, love them and use them all the time! I love these patches for pain relief, balance, and stability.

Vicki Smith

My life has changed

At times, I have severe joint and muscle pain. These Super Patches have given me more pain-free days that I’ve had in 10 years!

Jacki J

Life is better with this patch on!

I notice my knees no longer hurt, my feet no longer hurt, I have better balance, I have more energy, I sleep better, and my anxiety is far more manageable. My body just feels like it is functioning better overall when I have this patch on.

Krista T.

See The Tech In Action


How does super patch's technology work?

The technology inside the Super Patch has uniquely arranged ridges that look like a QR code, when these ridges touch our skin, our cells transmit unique signals that interact with our body’s nervous system.

The inventor of these patches discovered the different signals that work with the body’s physical, mental and emotional functions, each different Super Patch has a unique ridged pattern (QR Codes) that helps with a wide array of wellness and performance benefits.

Super Patch technology couldn’t be easier to use! The technology is strategically placed on all of the products to be in contact with your skin, thus initiating the vibrotactile stimulation.

Yes! Super Patch technology was strategically studied and designed to provide a 100% drug-free, natural, and non-invasive solution for people managing pain, balance, and mobility issues, and have since developed many more solutions to help improve more people’s quality of life. Plus, the effects are almost immediate!

Super Patch offers a full 30-day money-back guarantee, giving you plenty of time to try the product and experience the benefits, first-hand.

Disclaimer: The statements made in connection with these products have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the products’ efficacy has not been confirmed through Food and Drug Administration-approved studies. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

In France, our EPR number is FR371598_01KLXF.

Freedom: This medical device is for single use and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Any serious incident that has occurred in relation to the FREEDOM patch should be reported to the manufacturer or authorized representative, and to the competent authority of the Member State in which you are established.

REM: This medical device is for single use and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Any serious incident occurring in connection with the REM patch should be reported to the manufacturer or authorized representative, and to the competent authority of the Member State in which you are established.

Victory: This product does not have medical purpose however is intended to improve general wellness. The effect has not yet been scientifically Proven though is based on a non-randomized and non-placebo-controlled study, user reports and experience.

Liberty: This product does not have medical purpose however is intended to improve general wellness. The effect has not yet been scientifically Proven though is based on a non-randomized and non-placebo-controlled study, user reports and experience.

Lumi, Rocket, Peace, Defend, Joy, Kick It, Ignite, Focus, Boost: This product does not have a medical purpose however is intended to improve general wellness. The effect has not yet been scientifically proven but is based on user reports and experience.

Disclaimer: The statements made in connection with these products have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the products’ efficacy has not been confirmed through Food and Drug Administration-approved studies. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

In France, our EPR number is FR371598_01KLXF.

Freedom: This medical device is for single use and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Any serious incident that has occurred in relation to the FREEDOM patch should be reported to the manufacturer or authorized representative, and to the competent authority of the Member State in which you are established.

REM: This medical device is for single use and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Any serious incident occurring in connection with the REM patch should be reported to the manufacturer or authorized representative, and to the competent authority of the Member State in which you are established.

Victory: This product does not have medical purpose however is intended to improve general wellness. The effect has not yet been scientifically Proven though is based on a non-randomized and non-placebo-controlled study, user reports and experience.

Liberty: This product does not have medical purpose however is intended to improve general wellness. The effect has not yet been scientifically Proven though is based on a non-randomized and non-placebo-controlled study, user reports and experience.

Lumi, Rocket, Peace, Defend, Joy, Kick It, Ignite, Focus, Boost: This product does not have a medical purpose however is intended to improve general wellness. The effect has not yet been scientifically proven but is based on user reports and experience.